Although everything relies on a person’s viewpoint and interpretation, what does the Bible say about gambling? The Bible strongly emphasizes God’s omnipotence (Matt. 10:29–30), whereas gambling depends on chance. According to the Bible, people should work creatively and for the good of others (Eph. 4:28). However, gaming encourages a something-for-nothing mentality. Additionally, gambling encourages materialism, which the Bible forbids (Matthew 6:24–25).
In Colossians 3:23–24, Paul tells people to work at everything they do with all their heart, as though they were doing it for the Lord and not for people, for one knows that the Lord will repay them with an inheritance. You are serving the Lord Christ, according to Paul.
The legal Ohio sports betting market is launching on Jan 1, 2023. After a long process from the legalization on Dec 2021, Ohio launches retail and mobile sportsbooks for its citizens at 00.01 AM on new years day hence why this topic is relevant to Ohioans.
OH and WV has searched: What does the bible say about gambling?
Although the search terms “What does the bible say about gambling” and “is gambling sin” has skyrocketed, the search volume seems to originate in the Ohio, West Virginia area. The searches have reached a “breakout” according to Google, which in turn amps up the searches by at least 5000%. Here are the top search trends for the cities:
Related queries to gambling in Ohio state
Related queries to “gambling” in Ohio show that Ohioans are concerned about what the bible is saying about gambling, along with, if it’s a sin to gamble. This makes us wonder, why this sudden interest? What we know today is that sportsbooks are launching their sports betting apps in Ohio, on January 1, 2023.
The launch may raise questions about whether the Bible says gambling is a sin or not
Our best answer to why these topics suddenly exploded is that this knowledge about the launch has something to do with these questions, and what the lord has to say about the matter. have summarized these questions so that the residents of Ohio can find their answers and put their mind to rest.
Steubenville Ohio raising its concern about the Bible & gambling
According to Google Trends, the residents of Steubenville Ohio are most concerned about what the Bible has to say about gambling:
- Wheeling–Steubenville OH
- Charleston-Huntington WV
- Parkersburg WV
- Columbus OH
- Toledo OH
Over 5000% increased questions in whether the Bible says gambling is okay or not
As we can see, among else, the residents of Ohio are asking Google about:
- “What does the Bible say about gambling” – Increased by 5000% (Breakout)
- “Is gambling a sin” – +400% increase
One of the reasons why “FanDuel” is up 170% is because of their early presence as they have pre-signup for their sportsbook in the state. Learn more about the FanDuel Ohio promo campaign here.
Google Trends on “Breakout”
“If you see “Breakout” instead of a percentage, it means that the search term grew by more than 5000%”
– Google Trends
Now, what does the Bible say about gambling?
The Scripture expressly endorses at least three different methods of obtaining goods or money. Working for a living, getting things in trade or barter, getting presents throughout your life, and inheriting property after death are all expressly permitted means to accumulate more money or possessions. In contrast, the Bible forbids using deception, theft, or lying to get anything and prohibits wishing to take what is not rightfully yours.
There is no specific mention of gambling in the Bible. Since people view the appropriateness of gambling in various ways, from acceptance to complete abstinence, this omission creates a favorable environment for debate. In the end, gambling is bad for both governmental and social policy. That’s why most people view gambling as sinful in addition to Biblical prohibitions. Mostly, this view is due to societal evils such as gambling addictions, excessive debt, and neglected families.
Is gambling a sin?
Gaming violates the biblical commands of people to love their neighbor and care for the needy. First, since it cannot survive without winners and losers, gambling develops a desire for people to put themselves first at the expense of their neighbors. Second, the Scriptures instruct people to care for the needy rather than to support pastimes. Accordingly, gambling leads to greater long-term poverty for all participants. Gambling breeds and promotes vices like avarice and covetousness.
The idea that God owns both one’s time and one’s money should serve as a compass. “You are purchased at a cost”, according to 1 Corinthians 6:20. The master gave one servant five talents, another three, and the final one in the parable of the talents. The previous man buried his brilliance in the ground. The owner reprimanded him.
In God’s eyes, gambling with borrowed money and wasting borrowed time are no different from being thieves. The Bible also states that thieves won’t enter heaven. 6:9, 10 in 1 Corinthians.
Ohioans seem concerned and are wondering what the Bible says about gambling according to the latest exploding topics on Google in Ohio.
So, in short answer, gambling per se isn’t a sin, however, the actions and consequences that commonly follow gambling are a sin.
Final thought
Some people have strayed from religion and pierced themselves with many sorrows out of greed for money (1 Tim. 6:9–10). Individuals decide whether to gamble before God. However, the danger is not worth the potential harm. Paul cautions in 1 Timothy, and people should heed his words: People who seek to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and many stupid. Moreso, dangerous pursuits plunge men into ruin and destruction because the basis of all evil is the love of money.